easy lentil soup recipe

Easy Lentil Soup Recipe

This easy lentil soup recipe has only 4 ingredients and is perfect for those times when you can’t be bothered cooking or even thinking about it! It’s my go-to for a quick warm nourishing soup – no recipe required. As far as lentils go the red ones cook the fastest. The organic whole ones are […]

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Plant-based Food Guide

25 Beginner Tips to Guide Your Plant Based Eating Journey

Great! You’ve decided to include more plant-based meals into your diet. Here are 25 tips to get you started on a solid footing and to help keep you going when bumps pop up along the way. 1. Remember your ‘why’ When things feel wobbly it’s good to remember why you made the switch to a […]

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10 easy ways to add plant protein to your weight loss adventure

How to aid your weight loss journey with smart protein-rich plant-based snacks and meals.

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cauli soup

Creamy Cauliflower Soup

The secret to this soup is the celery. And the stock. Actually it’s both. If you make your own stock using celery leaves all the better. But a low-salt vege stock cube will suffice if you haven’t the time. Buy organic celery from your farmers market. The flavour will be a gazillion times better and […]

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BBQ Jackfruit

Jackfruit has been making a bit of splash in vegan circles for a while now. Namely for its chewy, dare I say ‘meaty’ texture and it’s ability to take on flavours. Here we’re using simple savoury flavours and drying it out in the oven. I’ve opted for an oil-free version as I really can’t tell […]

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Crispy Waffles

I’ve never found waffles particularly easy to make until now. What we want is crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside, and how NOT to have them stick & split in the waffle maker. Be sure to read the tips below. I’ve used half chickpea flour to increase the protein factor. It’s ok to […]

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Chia Pudding

This is heallthy pud at its best. Soothing and satisfying, chia pudding delivers protein, omegas, fibre, calcium & magnesium. Make in the morning for dessert or the night before for breakfast. I’m usually not that organised and will mix them up, stir, let sit and layer onto fruit compote or a smoothie bowl. Get creative […]

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