Make ’em small and call them crackers.
Make ’em bigger and call them a pizza base.
Either way your gluten free & raw friends will love you for making them.
You can even crumble them into a salad for an extra source of protein and crunchiness.
1 cup buckwheat groats, soaked for at least several hours to overnight
1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked as above
3 TB flax seeds, ground
Handful of fresh herbs
1 Tb lemon juice
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1 TB tamari
Drain buckwheat and rinse several times. do the same for the sunflower seeds.
Process all ingredients until a thick, slightly chunky batter is formed.
Scoop in dessertspoonful shapes onto a teflex-lined dehydrator tray. Flatten with your hands. Make them bigger as you need.
Dehydrate at 115 F for about 15 hours, flipping halfway through.
Serve with your favourite sauces, dips and toppings.
You may also like this post about dehydrating.
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