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Tell yourself something good

Have you heard the story of the grandfather in the supermarket with the screaming toddler?

All the way around the shop he was quietly saying:

“There there William, everything will be alright” “You’re doing great” “We’re nearly finished”.

His voice was soothing and calm as he moved from aisle to aisle. His grandson wailing and flailing as he went!

When another customer complimented him on his gentle approach, the elderly man said “My name is William, not his.”

There are times in our lives when you just have tell yourself something good and write another script.

You may be stuck, out of sorts or falling back into old habits that don’t serve you.

You may be saying “this is just the way I’ve always eaten” or “change is so hard” or “I’m not doing so well with this”.


You get to choose your next move. Your next script. Your next thought. Your next meal.

Will you stop or move?

Will you stay the same or grow?

There’s one thing I know and that’s movement always helps. Even if that movement looks like curling up with a good book to rest and repair.

You owe it to yourself to find a way.

Just like William, tell yourself something good.

Because you are making progress. Even if it’s a tiny step.

It’s time to celebrate the small stuff and keep reaching for your goals.

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