The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Eating Raw
Raw food is more than a salad and a carrot stick. But armed with the knowledge of how good it is for you and the desire for that glowing skin, increased energy and fabulous feeling it can be hard to know where to start! On my intensive training course with co-author of The Complete Idiot’s […]
Buckwheat: the noncereal cereal
Buckwheat is another favourite superfood. As I write I have a pot of buckwheat and potato broth simmering on the stove ready for my late morning breakfast. Distinct in flavour and packed with nutrition, buckwheat has served as a hearty, high protein, vitamin-rich source for centuries. Despite its name buckwheat is actually not a wheat […]
Plant-based sources of iron for kids
Raising a vegan child is not without its challenges in a world that largely believes he needs to eat red meat to get adequate iron. It would seem he’s neither lethargic nor prone to recurrent infections; he’s keeping up at school, is of the bouncy boy variety, sleeps well and more importantly had normal iron […]
Vegan Food for Health
Can’t think of a healthy hearty meal for dinner that won’t pack on the pounds? Tired of eating tiny portions of food that’s not even food? How about a pot of aromatic creamy curry, a Moroccon cassorole smothered in gravy or a raw berry pie with ice cream but not as we know it? A […]
Vegan cookies for kids
Strangely it was the Edmonds cookbook I reached for when thinking what to feed the 6-year-olds after their last day of school before the Easter holidays. Mmmm Easter biscuits seemed fitting – now how am I going to do that? Not all recipes adapt willingly to a vegan makeover but thankfully this one did. Icing only […]