Food To Live For

Vegan Cuisine may sound like an oxymoron to some and a political movement to others. How ever you see it, let me tell you a little secret. It’s really all about having the health and vitality you need to be the best at whatever it is that lights your fire. And we all want to […]

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Taking the meat off your plate

Making a meal that’s not centered around meat is a bit like Joey from ‘Friends’ not knowing where to put his furniture without a TV to point it at. What do I nuzzle up next to my potato and carrots? Many of us were raised on meals such as these. If there was not meat […]

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Vegan ice cream without the extras

What is there not to love about ice cream? Creamy, sweet, fruity – the stuff childhood memories are made of. So when dairy is not on the menu what can our plant-based kids look forward to when they’ve eaten all their veges for dinner? There are of course the commercial dairy-free ice creams but beware […]

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Taking the oil out of your food

I know the whole ‘no processed oils thing’ is enough to push an aspiring plant-based cook to the edge of what they can cope with. “No meat, no eggs, no cheese and now you’re telling me no oil!!” If you’re on the path of eating only plants you’re already reaping the benefits of reducing the […]

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The Gentle Art of Dehydrating

It is a simple joy to empty the dehydrator of trays and trays of food. Crackers, bread sticks, vege burgers, corn chips, pizza bases and taco shells; cookies, granola and dried fruit have all emerged from my Excaliber at some time or other. Obviously the coming out is easier than the going in but with […]

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