Energy. What a slippery character.
Sometimes you’re brimming with it and other times you’re wading through molasses.
Now I don’t know about you but I sure have some leaky areas in my life that literally steal my energy.
Before we get into how to boost + sustain our energy let’s look at where we commonly lose it.
Caveat: long-term low energy requires a medical check up; major life changes require much patience, kindness and whatever helps get you through the day.
Energy stealers
My top three:
If ever there is something that steals energy it is this. All those unfinished projects, incompletions, unmet goals, one-day dreams … There’s no quick answer here but recognising what it costs you just may be the impetus to get going.
Emotional rollercoasters are exhausting! Tend to yourself gently during these times. Rejig your boundaries. Get help when you need it. Put the kettle on.
Bit of a two-edge sword this one. We can certainly derive energy from excitement, deadlines and the sheer the thrill of it all. But the edge where excitement meets anxiety feels plain yucky. Put self care at the top of your list and build a structure so it has a rightful place in everyday life. Stress isn’t going away.
The reality is that some things in life are not in our control. Fortunately what we eat + the habits we cultivate are.
6 ways to regain + sustain your energy
1. Food
You knew I was going to say that! Without a doubt some food gives us energy credit + the building blocks to regenerate our bodies cleanly (fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes). Other foods take more energy than they give.
Whatever you’re eating make it top quality.
Start the day well fueled with this breakfast granola. Make this salad for lunch. Try a simple rustic soup for dinner served with cashew parmesan.
2. Boosters
Blueberries and broccoli are total superfood rockstars. And there are others … powders + juices that we can use when we’re on the hop. Some of my favourites to add to a smoothie are:
- spirulina – high protein plant algae
- maca – great for leveling out hormones
- moringa – high protein
- barley greens – high in chorophyll, vitamins and minerals.
3. Water
Have you ever noticed the more you drink the more you want to drink? Water that is! We are commonly operating in a state of mild dehydration. I’m not going to say you should drink x amount every day. But I do suggest you find the level that’s right for you … and I’d guess it’s probably more than you’re currently drinking.
4. Activation
I take an Nrf 1 & Nrf2 activator. These synergies of herbs activate my body to produce more antioxidants and support my mitochondrial health. That means less oxidative stress in my body, more energy, better sleep, easier movement. I like them so much I distribute them! Find out more here.
5. Exercise
As a teenager someone said to me “the more energy you spend, the more energy you have”. I’ve never forgotten it. It’s been the catalyst to get off the couch and go out for a walk or do my yoga practice. Procrastination lives in my walking shoes so this one is a toughy for me but pays well!
6. Beauty
Nature. Inspiration. Glory. Purpose. Connection. Whether it be a piece of music that moves me, a painting, an inspired piece of writing, a moment of contemplation. All are my feeding ground for replenishment.
Be drawn to what lights you up and nourish yourself on a deeper level. I believe real energy resides here.
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